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Rakudo Perl 6 and MoarVM Performance Advances - Jonathan Worthington (_jnthn_)

Perl 6 is a language specification. Rakudo is a compiler for Perl 6. Rakudo Star (or Rakudo *) is a distribution that contains the Rakudo compiler, documentation and some useful modules. MoarVM and JVM are Process Virtual Machines. They provide an interface between the compiler and the underlying operating system or machine. If you don’t know which to choose, try MoarVM first. You can always switch to the JVM if MoarVM doesn’t suit your needs.
Rakudo Perl 6 and MoarVM Performance Advances... by nu11secur1ty

Adventures in Perl 6 Asynchrony - Jonathan... by nu11secur1ty

Manual installation
If rakudobrew is not flexible enough for you, you might want to consider manually installing from source. The exact steps required may differ depending on your operating system, but these instructions should be enough to get you started. This example uses Rakudo Star 2015.02, but development is progressing quickly, so please be sure to check for the latest version. You should consult the README file contained in the tarball for more up-to-date and detailed information.

mkdir ~/rakudo && cd $_

#For debian 7 & 8

apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install curl

curl -O http://rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-star-2016.11.tar.gz

tar -xvzf rakudo-star-2016.11.tar.gz

cd rakudo-star-2016.11/

yum group install "Development Tools"

# A note about failing groupinstall on CentOS/RHEL 7.x
yum --setopt=group_package_types=mandatory,default,optional groupinstall "Development Tools"

perl Configure.pl --backend=moar --gen-moar


# Running the tests is optional, but advised:

make rakudo-test

make rakudo-spectest

make install

echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/install/bin/:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc


State of the Velociraptor - Matt S Trout (_mst_) by nu11secur1ty

Devops Logique - Matt S Trout (_mst_) by nu11secur1ty


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