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Searching, Downloading, and Installing Updates for windows cmd cscript

The scripting sample in this topic shows you how to use Windows Update Agent (WUA) to scan, download, and install updates. The sample searches for all the applicable software updates and then lists those updates. Next, it creates a collection of updates to download and then downloads them. Finally, it creates a collection of updates to install and then installs them. If you want to search, download, and install a specific update that you identify by using the update title, see Searching, Downloading, and Installing Specific Updates. Before you attempt to run this sample, note the following: WUA must be installed on the computer. For more information about how to determine the version of WUA that is installed, see Determining the Current Version of WUA. The sample can download updates only by using WUA. It cannot download updates from a Software Update Services (SUS) 1.0 server. Running this sample requires Windows Script Host (WSH). For more information about WSH, see the WSH section of the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK). If the sample is copied to a file named WUA_SearchDownloadInstall.vbs, you can run the sample by opening a Command Prompt window and typing the following command at the command prompt.

cscript WUA_SearchDownloadInstall.vbs
 Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")  
 updateSession.ClientApplicationID = "MSDN Sample Script"  
 Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()  
 WScript.Echo "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF  
 Set searchResult = _  
 updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")  
 WScript.Echo "List of applicable items on the machine:"  
 For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1  
   Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)  
   WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title  
 If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then  
   WScript.Echo "There are no applicable updates."  
 End If  
 WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Creating collection of updates to download:"  
 Set updatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")  
 For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1  
   Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)  
   addThisUpdate = false  
   If update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput = true Then  
     WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> skipping: " & update.Title & _  
     " because it requires user input"  
     If update.EulaAccepted = false Then  
       WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> note: " & update.Title & _  
       " has a license agreement that must be accepted:"  
       WScript.Echo update.EulaText  
       WScript.Echo "Do you accept this license agreement? (Y/N)"  
       strInput = WScript.StdIn.Readline  
       If (strInput = "Y" or strInput = "y") Then  
         addThisUpdate = true  
         WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> skipping: " & update.Title & _  
         " because the license agreement was declined"  
       End If  
       addThisUpdate = true  
     End If  
   End If  
   If addThisUpdate = true Then  
     WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> adding: " & update.Title   
   End If  
 If updatesToDownload.Count = 0 Then  
   WScript.Echo "All applicable updates were skipped."  
 End If  
 WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Downloading updates..."  
 Set downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()   
 downloader.Updates = updatesToDownload  
 Set updatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")  
 rebootMayBeRequired = false  
 WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Successfully downloaded updates:"  
 For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1  
   set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)  
   If update.IsDownloaded = true Then  
     WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title   
     If update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior > 0 Then  
       rebootMayBeRequired = true  
     End If  
   End If  
 If updatesToInstall.Count = 0 Then  
   WScript.Echo "No updates were successfully downloaded."  
 End If  
 If rebootMayBeRequired = true Then  
   WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "These updates may require a reboot."  
 End If  
 WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Would you like to install updates now? (Y/N)"  
 strInput = WScript.StdIn.Readline  
 If (strInput = "Y" or strInput = "y") Then  
   WScript.Echo "Installing updates..."  
   Set installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()  
   installer.Updates = updatesToInstall  
   Set installationResult = installer.Install()  
   'Output results of install  
   WScript.Echo "Installation Result: " & _  
   WScript.Echo "Reboot Required: " & _   
   installationResult.RebootRequired & vbCRLF   
   WScript.Echo "Listing of updates installed " & _  
   "and individual installation results:"   
   For I = 0 to updatesToInstall.Count - 1  
     WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & _  
     updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title & _  
     ": " & installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode    
 End If  


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